The Unveiling


A 10 session study covering Revelation 4 - 12 that teaches men and women how to understand the Book of Revelation and what we should know about the future.

Lesson Descriptions:

Lesson 1 - Numbers in Scripture
Lesson 2 - Prophecies of Daniel
Lesson 3 - God's Heavenly Throne
Lesson 4 - The First Six Seals
Lesson 5 - Sealed by God
Lesson 6 - 7th Seal / The First Four Trumpets
Lesson 7 - The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets
Lesson 8 - The Mighty Angel's Message
Lesson 9 - Two Witnesses / 7th Trumpet
Lesson 10 - The Woman and the Dragon




"Elaine's studies take me to a more in-depth understanding of God's Word. Her lessons are cross-referenced with scriptures that lend enlightenment, authenticity and credibility to each study. Through the daily devotionals, I'm also learning new insights into His purpose, plans and promises for my life." -Joanne Hix-Dallas Baptist University Instructor

“Revelation has always been a mystery to me, yet I find it fascinating, especially considering what is taking place everywhere in the world around me. I believe it’s critical for Christians to be aware of what Revelation is revealing to us and to understand it’s relevance to our lives. Through Elaine’s gifted Bible teaching, she takes us through Revelation explaining that we are not to be fearful but trusting. Elaine spends countless hours in research and prayer and then shares the knowledge she has gained with her students. For the first time in my life, I feel the mysteries of God’s Revelation are open to me!

Elaine has developed and written a verse-by-verse study accompanied by a beautifully done workbook. The workbook has note pages to follow along with Elaine’s classroom teaching, and thought provoking homework questions to be discussed in small group time. Elaine has also prepared a daily devotional for her students to follow during the week. This is to encourage her students to spend daily time with the Lord and the scriptures she provides as reference reinforce the lesson of the week.

Elaine is a devoted teacher of God’s Word who uses a multi-media method of presenting the information to insure maximum enjoyment and comprehension. First and foremost, Elaine is concerned that each person God puts in her class has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”


The Overcomers


The Guarantee