The Overcomers


An 11 session study helping men and women discover what it means to be a true believer and live like one.

Lesson Descriptions:

Lesson 1 - Overview
Lesson 2 - The Glorified Christ
Lesson 3 - The Church in Ephesus
Lesson 4 - The Church in Smyrna
Lesson 5 - The Church in Pergamum
Lesson 6 - The Church in Thyatira
Lesson 7 - The Church in Sardis
Lesson 8 - The Church in Philadelphia
Lesson 9 - The Church in Laodicea
Lesson 10 - The Overcomers
Lesson 11 - Prophecy and Fulfillment




"I have grown in my daily quiet time during this study. The study questions contained a lot of personal application that helped me understand how I can allow God to grow and change areas of my life."

" I have been saved over 50 years but we can still learn more each day about our walk with God."

" I have grown tremendously through this class. The Lord has brought many opportunities for me to practice what I learned. It is awesome to be able to go through the days' trials with an eternal perspective knowing that all of this will pass away and Christ will reign! Praise God!"

"Just make this course longer. I hated to see it end. The Overcomers was such a great study which provided the necessary information to help me grow as an overcomer."


The Foreshadowing


The Unveiling